The GST BOCES Arts in Education web-page features artists, staff and students instrumental in bringing quality arts in education programming to your students. We are now pleased to introduce our very first Arts in Education Parent in the News, Irene Peterson. Irene is the very articulate mother of two sons, both of whom are students at Center Street Elementary School in the Horseheads Central School District. In addition to being a parent, Irene works as a materials engineer at Corning Inc. Irene is very pleased that her children attend Center Street School. She reports that the school "helps to instill curiosity, perseverance, collaboration and respect for knowledge in her children."
For Irene, the arts in education are integral in helping to achieve the quality of education Irene and her family enjoy at Center Street.
Art education is important to you and your children because it allows them to create beauty, to learn about other cultures, to learn that perseverance brings improvement and to appreciate and to enjoy the talents of others. It also exposes them to other cultures. Activities such as the orchestra and band teach them how to lend their talents to projects larger than themselves. The arts make the world a better place because they build friendships, develop an appreciation of talents of others, break stereotypes, helps students learn about and appreciate other cultures, learn new ways of viewing the world and of expressing themselves.
Given Irene's career path as an engineer, it may seem surprising to learn that Irene's favorite subjects were art and music. "Some girls get intimidated by Math, but not by their ballet lessons; however, it's all about recognizing a pattern. Sometimes if you can draw a connection to something familiar, it breaks the fear."
Irene especially loves music and to sing. To read more about Irene and her school, go to
Irene Peterson.